The Founder & Director

My name is Sufani Garza. I am the Founder & Director of Place of Bliss Academy. Throughout my life I have acquired many titles such as published Author/Writer, Columnist, Alternative Healing Therapist & Soul Care Provider, Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Counselor, Resolution Therapist, Shaman Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner, Seichim Practitioner, Intuitive Empath, Guided Image Therapist, Meditation Teacher, Minister of Peace, Medium, Herbologist, Animal Rescuer, Artist and more.

Although titles are wonderful in moving up a ladder in life, there is nothing more important than the title of “Caring Human” for which I wear the badge proudly. I am steadily pursuing a “Campaign of Goodness & Light,” offering hours of my time every week beyond the paid classroom, offering free healing and support to all through “Sufani’s World” YouTube Channel, emails and social media platforms. Healing has been a lifelong journey for me, and I have gleefully taken others along with me, sharing my education. POBA has been a wonderful way to share everything I have learned and allowing others to spiritually awaken to their true selves in self-love, healing and empowerment.

I am an Internationally Accredited & Certified Training Provider through the International Association of Therapists, and thusly all courses with POBA offer Internationally recognized certificates for students to frame and be proud of.

Sister Sites

There are two sites that you can navigate through. Think of the two sites in this way.

Place of Bliss Academy (POBA) is the place to find education, courses, course details, diploma details, reading materials and resources through the student center and educational events.

POBA’s Sister is:

Place of Bliss Sanctuary (POBS). She is the place to set your book bag down and get healing services, connection through mentorship, counseling, group events and the memership.

The two sites work in unison to one another in awakening, healing and empowerment. This site helps you navigate both by opening pages to the sister site to help find her easily and navigate back and forth for what you need between the two.

Family is a beautiful thing!

Most Common Questions:

  1. Is POBA Accredited? Answer: Yes, through IAOTH, International Association of Therapist.

  2. Can I Get Accredited Through POBA: YES. Become An Ambassador of Light. Details Here.

  3. Can I Get Accredited Through POBA As An Alternative Healer & Soul Care Provider? YES! Details Here.

  4. How Do I Leave a Review? Learn Quickly Here

  5. Can I get a job or start a practice with these certificates and education? Answer: Yes, just as you add experience and education to your resume, these courses add the same experience and knowledge. What you do with it and the belief you have in yourself determines the outcome of your education and experience. Example, I have many certifications, got licensed in my state to start a practice and academy, and am thriving and paying taxes. The answer is YES!

  6. Where are the PDFs in the courses, I can’t find them? | Answer: Always look in each lecture and below in the dropdown and to the right, a link that says “Resources” is where to find what you’re looking for.

  7. What is the difference between being certified or licensed? Answer: Being certified means you have taken the necessary study in a subject and have been validated in that area with a certificate. Being licensed runs through an institution or association and usually ties in with state regulations that need to be met.

  8. How do I start my own practice? Answer: Take the course, “Heart Centered Entrepreneur” to get started. There are many details including state regulation questions and taxes information to get you started.

  9. Where do I send my email request for a course certificate? Answer:

  10. Where do I send my email request for an Advanced Diploma certificate? Answer:

  11. How do I find my UDEMY certificate on my profile? Answer: Click Here for a short video on how to find your UDEMY certificate.

  12. How do I find out how many courses I have taken with POBA so far to achieve my diploma? Answer: You are in complete control of your progress. Access your own UDEMY profile on the top right-hand side of the UDEMY page->Drop down to “My Learning” and count your courses complete. See the “Advanced Diplomas” page here for requirements.

  13. I already have Reiki certificates 1-3 from another provider, can I get a POBA certificate or work something out with POBA to get one? Answer: No, POBA only certifies POBA courses. Simply retake the course you want the certificate in to have an issued valid certificate.

  14. Can I send you many or all my certificate requests at once? Answer: No, students may not hoard certificate requests and send them all at once for POBA certificate’s. This clogs up the process of issuing all students their individual certificates. You may send in two at a time with proof to Charly per day.

  15. Can I send you my list of completed courses taken, and you send me the two a day? Answer: No, POBA does not have the time to manage student course lists. You may send the two requests per day until fulfilled and must send with proof of UDEMY certificate. You must put your name as you would like it on the certificate in the subject header or body of email for Charly. Not doing so causes errors that take time to redo certificates and delays other students from receiving their certificates. For this reason, expect a delay in getting your certificate fixed if you did not follow instructions. Many emails have a different name than what a student wants or has a legal name change. POBA has over 30K students and delivers hundreds of certificates weekly. We cannot remember your name specifically. You must add your name every single time to the email.

  16. How soon will I get my POBA certificate once I email the request? Answer: If you have followed instructions, within 72 hours.

  17. I am a Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner. Can I take your Reiki Master course if I haven’t taken one and two with POBA? Answer: Yes!

  18. Does POBA Ban Students? Yes. POBA bans students in the community for dishonest, rude or unkind behavior, and when caught “serial refunding POBA courses” once attaining their certificate, a UDEMY loop hole some students abuse that is not tolerated at POBA. Once discovered, the student is banned from the community. POBA holds the highest standards of love, kindness and a safe place for like-minded students. Willful dishonesty and stealing from POBA is shunned. A remorseful student may humbly request to be added back into the community with pre-requisites. Please email Sufani directly if you have been banned and would like to return.

  19. What is “Serial Refunding”?: A person who takes many, many courses, and monthly is caught refunding every last one, in bulk, or individually over a period of time. POBA supports UDEMY’s 30 Day Refund Policy, however, we do not support those who abuse UDEMY’s Policy to steal from instructors on UDEMY, taking their knowledge, and labored time, ungratefully, with the intent to not pay for it-ever, which is what serial refunders are doing, sadly. Normal refunds are fine. Not every class is for you. Patterned refunding is easy to spot over time and what we are referring to. POBA feels very sad that there is a need for this at all, but we are responsible for the Goodness and Light of the community.

  20. May I request the newest version of a certificate or diploma? YES. There is a processing fee for each certificate request, and you may simply order a diploma on the diploma page or store.

  21. Can I get a hard copy diploma? YES. All Diplomas are available in digital or hard copy files and may order them in the store accordingly or go straight to the Diploma page. Details and requirements apply.

Hello Beautiful Students!

See You In Class! .