POBA Students Come From All Around the Globe & Every Age!
POBA students are from all over the globe, and range in age from 25-65. 65% are female and 35% male. Students in all age groups are learning and growing and have a zest to achieve their dreams. Being an “Over 50” myself, I am so proud to encourage learning and the pursuit of the undying dream of everyone, no matter your age, where you come from or where you have been. I encourage everyone to educate & invest in themselves. You’ll never make a better bet!
Love Sufi
Recommended Resources
Welcome To The Student Center Library
Beautiful POBA Students' Around the Globe ~ This Could Be You!
Beautiful POBA Students' Around the Globe ~ This Could Be You! 〰️

Advanced Diploma Recipients— Hard Work Paying Off!

Are You A Student?
“Please send me your picture with your certificate or diploma for our student center. “
Send to sufani@placeofblissanctuary.com
Rules Apply:
One photo per person
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